My Valentine

My Valentine,

Today the sun glows with a crimson beam,
Only today does awakening lead to a glorious dream,
I’ve seen days like this before,
Days that leave you yearning for more,
Days when all that surrounds you is love,
From within, from without and up above,
I know not where tonight we will dine,
But I know it’ll be with you, my Valentine.

The sight of you makes my heart skip a beat,
I’m paralysed from my head to my feet,
I have words that I formed in my heart,
But an angel like you deserves more than that,
I can tell you how I feel,
But my actions can much reveal,
I know tonight we’ll sip sweet wine,
You and I, my Valentine.

Today we celebrate true love,
Something few will ever have,
We celebrate hearts full of promise,
Promise only known in romantic stories,
Stories that bring tears to our eyes,
Stories of love that never dies,
Today we celebrate you and I,
My Valentine.


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