My hearts light

The dark night would never dampen the song,
Top get here, I had travelled so long,
The song was a cry of victory,
An end to battles of agony,
It was a cry with a discernable tune,
And a cry that would not end soon,
I savoured the victory as I looked beyond,
I felt pride fill my heart and soul.

My life had been battles fought in fright,
A dark tunnel yet with no light,
Beaten and bruised I rose yet again,
For survival, not for valour or gain,
Yet as each battle pitched higher,
So did my resolve, my vision, my desire,
With my for vanquished and banished,
I stood tall, bold and brazen.

This certainly wasn’t the end,
I knew that and would never pretend,
But every other battle would be fought on terms I dictate,
I’d leave nothing to chance or to fate,
I had become the man I sought,
I’d attained peace from battles fought.
The darkness looked so bright,
Lit by my heart’s light.


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