The art of distraction

A story is told of a man
Who hatched a master plan
He would move a man sized rock up a hill,
Using no might nor machine but just skill,
Many said it could not be done,
And they did poke fun,
Upon the day they all gathered to see,
If this man's boast could truly be.

He blew as hard as he could,
But the boulder still stood,
He knelt and a prayer he did say,
But the rock gave no way,
He sang and danced to attempt the feat,
Yet in spite the rock moved lower a tiny bit,
The laughter rang out loud,
You could barely hear another sound.

But as they gave him all this stick,
His apprentice their pockets he did pick,
All of those who watched for an hour plus three,
Their laden pockets he did free,
As they went they laughed of the man and the boulder,
Yet to the bank he laughed louder,
Though the rock sits where it's always been,
Through distraction he truly did win


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